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The Perfect Peel
How Does The Perfect Peel Compare To Other Peels?
The Perfect Peel combines intense ingredients with effective acids to deliver outstanding results after one treatment. This unique formula allows for an increase in lifting of fine lines and wrinkles as well as a lightening of Melasma, sun damage and Hyperpigmentation. The Perfect Peel is a non-invasive relatively pain free treatment that entails only 5-7 days of peeling.
How Many Treatments Are Necessary For Visible Improvement?
After one treatment of The Perfect Peel, overall skin tone and complexion will appear smooth, glowing and fresh. Depending on skin conditions, multiple treatments may be necessary for desired results. A series of 2-3 treatments applied once every 4 weeks will allow for optimal results for more severe skin conditions such as Melasma and active acne.
How Long Will My Results Last?
As long as the skin is maintained with good quality skin care products such as The Perfect C serum the improved results will last. We recommend two to three treatments of The Perfect Peel per year to sustain desired results for regular maintenance and rejuvenation.
Can makeup be worn post peel?
The day the peel is applied the patient should not put any make up or other products on his or her face post peel. Makeup may be worn on day 2 of the peeling process.
What type of preconditioning is required?
The Perfect Peel requires no preconditioning of the skin prior to treatment. Only those patients who use Accutane must stop usage 3 months prior to treatment in order to achieve desired results.
Does The Perfect Peel burn?
The patient may feel a slight stinging or tingling sensation which will subside after just a few seconds. Numbing takes place once the first pass of The Perfect Peel solution is applied. A fan or cool breeze may be used for the comfort of the patient.
How long will the application process take?
The Perfect Peel application only takes 15 minutes to administer.
How severe is the peeling and what is the duration of the peeling process?
The amount of peeling skin associated with The Perfect Peel is mainly a sloughing of thin sheets of epidermis skin that begins around day three and generally is completed by day six or seven.
Quick Points
Improve the overall tone and texture of your skin
Lighten and brighten your skin
Remove or reduce sun damage and age spots
Reduce pore size and soften fine lines and wrinkles
Reduce or eliminate Hyperpigmentation and acne scars
Improve acne skin conditions and Melasma
Stimulate the production of collagen resulting in firmer skin
Slow down the aging process and prevent wrinkles